終於,有人發出了正義之聲,PPI and plavix....
衛生署通常會在國外發一個preliminary report時,就原文照翻發公文… 藥政科就會迫不及待公文說某某有問題,用了就是你們沒看電視,就是沒醫德,有問題是你家的事,我公文發了就盡了告知之責,責任就是你家的。 健保局見獵心喜,跟進說這個是高價藥物,用了就是殘害病人身體……藥價黑洞 PPI plavix 爭議就是其中一個例子…… 沒差啦… 臨床上面CAD不屬於下面講的high risk group的人還真不多見耶…還是一句話,病人優先… 還有一個,CVP bundle 的 2% chlorhexidine,會不會重蹈xigris的覆轍? Consensus Document on Concomitant Use of Clopidogrel and PPIs Proton-pump inhibitors are endorsed for clopidogrel patients at high risk for gastrointestinal bleeding. To address the somewhat confusing literature on the interaction between proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and clopidogrel, a new "consensus document" has been published jointly by the American College of Cardiology, American College of Gastroenterology, and American Heart Association. Clopidogrel is converted to its active form by the hepatic enzyme CYP2C19, which is competitively inhibited by PPIs. Although platelet function studies have shown that PPI use lessens clopidogrel-mediated inhibition of platelet aggregation, the clinical relevance of ...