Medicaid(窮人)ER visit變多

最近看完ER season 14
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anyway,ER visit is the society's safety net

CDC很好笑,專收人球(sorry for this term)的ER是safety-net EDs。這類safety-net EDs數量激增 41%,同時期ED number 減少 5%( 1997-2007),套句本國方言,這叫做庶民ER。全台灣的ER大概只有和信的不是庶民ER

The number of EDs that met the CDC definition for safety-net EDs (>30% of total visits by patients with Medicaid, >30% of visits by patients with no insurance, or >40% of visits by patients with Medicaid or no insurance) increased from 1770 in 2000 to 2489 in 2007 (41% increase).


Emergency Department Visits on the Rise

The largest increase is among patients with Medicaid.

In the U.S., emergency departments (EDs) provide access to care to all persons, regardless of ability to pay. Researchers used data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey to examine trends in U.S. ED visits for subgroups by insurance status from 1997 through 2007.

The total annual number of visits increased from 95 million to 117 million; the 23% increase was nearly twice that anticipated from population growth. The ED visit rate increased 11% from 353 to 391 per 1000 population. Adults with Medicaid accounted for most of the increase. Adults with private insurance, Medicare, or no insurance had no significant changes in ED visit rates. The number of EDs that met the CDC definition for safety-net EDs (>30% of total visits by patients with Medicaid, >30% of visits by patients with no insurance, or >40% of visits by patients with Medicaid or no insurance) increased from 1770 in 2000 to 2489 in 2007 (41% increase).

Comment: The disproportionate increase in visits by patients with Medicaid between 1997 and 2007 might reflect a 35% increase in the number of adult Medicaid enrollees during that period and reduced access to primary and specialist care for Medicaid patients. The situation likely will grow worse. The number of EDs decreased by 5% during the study period, and the study ended before the 2008–2009 recession, when an additional 5.8 million Americans became uninsured and an additional 3.9 million enrolled in Medicaid. Finally, the study did not include nursing home residents, prisoners, patients in mental health care facilities, and undocumented or homeless persons — groups that are frequent visitors to EDs. These findings portend substantive tribulations for our EDs, the safety nets of American healthcare.

— John A. Marx, MD, FAAEM

Published in Journal Watch Emergency Medicine September 10, 2010

Tang N et al. Trends and characteristics of US emergency department visits, 1997-2007. JAMA 2010 Aug 11; 304:664.

* Original article (Subscription may be required)
* Medline abstract (Free)



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