CLABSI 在美國降低

IHI 的幾個bundle裏,最立竿見影的就是CVP bundle
CVP bundle>VAP bundle>> stop sepsis bundle


CR=Catheter-related; CLA=Central Line-Associated; BSI=Blood Stream Infection。

而全球的最佳典範,即是在密西根州(Michigan)的Keystone ICU,醫護團隊在運用由Atul Gawande等人設計的Checklist後,有效控制感染的創新突破。

這些轟動醫界的作為,統稱為CVP Bundle。


根據美國醫院評鑑(JC),2011年的新規定,NPSG.07.04.01強調受評者,要有Checklist且預防CLABSI的方法,必需要有科學論證(Cited in Scientific Literature或專科學會的背書),因此要有好成績,務必遵循IHI及AHRQ所建議的各種條件。

CDC的Guidelines, Johns Hopkins的Central Line Insertion Care Team Checklist及www.dr.carondelet.org的Central Line Bundle 都很值得參考。



連輸液的管理不當,如注入孔及3-way stopcock的操作不當,也可能影響病菌的播種途徑......總而言之,很複雜!

以下只簡單重複幾項最受注目的Major Elements:

1、高度的無菌遮斷預防對策(Maximal Barrier Precaution),即戴手術帽及口罩,身穿無菌衣並戴無菌手

2、選擇適當的置入部位。也有從末梢血管置入的方法(PICC),但從鎖骨下靜脈的感染率最低,在成人,原則上避免從大腿部(Femoral Vein)置入。

3、使用Chlorhexidine做置入部位的皮膚消毒並等候2分鐘( allow sit to dry)



1、術前「感染控制」教育,含手部衛生及無菌觀念(置入及換藥Change Dressing時)


3、大面積舖單(Drape from head to toe)

4、授權協助實際置入作業的護士可勒令違反SOP者停止作業(Stop the line)


6、Time Out不宜省略!


8、使用Real Time超音波輔助定位,可降低醫源性氣胸發生率,日本在OR置入時Sona的使用率已達75%



11、CVC置入後,一定要Follow Chest X-ray以確定位置無誤,並詳細填寫處置紀錄




改變行為最多的是maximal barrier precaution.我記得以前當R的時候,CVP是不用戴cap and gown的,只有on swan ganz或CV 搞IABP的時候會這樣搞。這幾年我們ICU鋪單廣布,是護理部感控推動的,我後來才知道學問這麼大。

1 check list?
2 每天檢討拔CVP
3 STOP the line(旁邊護士可以喊stop)
4 TPN不超過12小時(這個對GS大刀有困難)

1 2% chlorhexidine? (比alcohol-betaiodine好上多少? 這麼貴,難說服我)
2 try 3次換手(嘿嘿…當你一心覺得on不上有替手時,就會on 不上)
3 sono定位,這個需要經驗,難避免染污,但萬一學成,我覺得這才是大幅降低on cvp try time的利器,這是killer application

我們醫院的CLABSI一直蠻低,是過去一步一步地推CVP bundle裏的elements,得向過去搞規定的人致敬。但我覺得CVP有些還是太慢拔了,這和醫師行為有關。

We should try Sono-guided procedure at ICU at difficult insertion patient!! The more exp we get, the more we would improve!

Reducing Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections

The number of such infections in intensive care units in the U.S. has fallen markedly because of improved central line insertion and maintenance techniques.

Central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are common and often fatal (mortality rate, 12%–25%). In 2002, the CDC issued guidelines for the prevention of such infections. Have these guidelines had the desired effect?

To answer this question, CDC researchers — using several national data sources — estimated the number of CLABSIs among patients aged ≥1 year in intensive care units (ICUs) in the U.S. before and after publication of the guidelines. For 2001, the number of CLABSIs (after adjustment to account for a change in CLABSI definition in 2008) was estimated to be 43,000. For 2009, the number was estimated to be 18,000 — a 58% reduction.

The researchers also estimated that 37,000 CLABSIs occurred in outpatient hemodialysis facilities in 2008, and that 23,000 occurred on non-ICU inpatient wards in 2009. These categories have no corresponding data for 2001 but provide benchmarks for future comparison.

Comment: Although the definition of CLABSI has changed over the years, and some infections may have gone undiagnosed because blood cultures were not performed, the number of CLABSIs in ICUs has dropped significantly. The use of meticulous placement and care techniques in this setting is no doubt responsible.

In non-ICU settings, where central lines are less frequently inserted, rate reductions may be harder to achieve. Additional preventive strategies (particularly measures designed to improve central line maintenance, to ensure prompt removal of unneeded lines, and to reduce central line use for hemodialysis) will be necessary in these venues to produce CLABSI decreases similar to those realized in ICUs.

— Stephen G. Baum, MD

Published in Journal Watch Infectious Diseases March 16, 2011

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vital signs: Central line–associated blood stream infections — United States, 2001, 2008, and 2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2011 Mar 4; 60:243.

* Medline abstract (Free)



即便是用IGRA, 有時也要等大於三個月才能決定TB contact


老美接受LTBI treatment的人,不到一半完治,和duration成正比